Monday 13 April 2015

Evaluation Activity 6

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In terms of hardware, I had never used a MacBook computer before starting this project. I can now confidently use these types of computers and clearly understand how they work. It was also interesting to use them as I had never used one before and found that the difference between MacBooks and other computers is much greater than I expected.
I have had to learn how to use DSLR cameras along with tripods and lenses. I had some issues with learning how to use the camera, as I did not know how to use the automatic settings and had difficulty with fitting the lenses and tripod. However, after using the cameras so many times during this project, I got familiar with the management of the hardware. I now understand how to use the DSLR cameras and have learned how to set up the equipment correctly.

In terms of software, I have had to use Blogger to evidence the work throughout the project and update it regularly. Before Blogger, I knew how to use a blog from personal experience; this helped me manage Blogger and create good quality posts. Although I did know how to blog, having access to a different type of blogging was interesting as there are many different types of blogs with different layouts. They are all different and I was unfamiliar with some features of Blogger, which I became confident with during the project.   
I have had to use Photoshop to create the Production Ident and title sequence. Originally I had no experience with this software but learned whilst working with the help of the people in my group, who had experience with Photoshop. With this software I now understand how to use various features such as how to add filters, text, change size and color, download fonts and use them, and many more. 
YouTube is another social media site I have had to use in order to upload my group work. I was already familiar with the site but did not know how to use an account to upload videos and other such features. After having uploaded videos and used their HTML links I now am much more familiar with using a YouTube account. 
The software most used during the project was most likely Premiere Pro. Our group used this software to upload and edit shots in order to create our animatic, our production ident, our title sequence, our opening sequence, our voice-overs, etc. I had never used this software before and was not confident when working with it. However, the people in my group gave me guidance and I have been using Premiere Pro on a regular basis to create better quality work for our final product. I now am very content with my Premiere Pro skills as they have greatly improved since the beginning of this project. 

Overall, working on this project allowed me to deepen my understanding of many different types of software and gave me practice with both software and hardware I was unfamiliar with. I enjoyed learning how to manage my work through this technology and have no doubt this will help me with future projects in any domain. 

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