Friday 30 January 2015

Mise-en-scene - Makeup - Experimenting

For shots 17 and 24, the main character's arm cut must be seen. I experimented with acrylic paint in order to create a realistic cut which our group could possible use in the opening sequence.

My first try (closest to wrist) was not as expected because I used too much black paint at the start which did not allow the red paint to be bright enough and unrealistic to be blood. Although I tried to fix this by compensating with lighter colours, the shadowy black paint would not disappear. I was not pleased with this first try because I rushed through too quickly and was not detailed enough.  

On my second try (below first) I firstly outlined the shape of the scar in black leaving some small spaces near the middle to make the cut look fresh. The brightness of the red came out much better this second time because I added layer by layer, firstly creating a light base of red, then adding more red in some places and making it darker in others. I painted the darker red in the very corners of the cut, creating depth. Lastly, I added some very small splashes of red on the empty spaces on the black outline, to give the impression that blood was leaking out onto the rest of the skin.
I am quite happy with the result of the second try, but I believe it still could be much more realistic with more practice and using other products. 

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