Tuesday 10 February 2015

Class Feedback Reflection

This is the feedback we got for our first opening sequence draft.

From this feedback, our group understood that our opening sequence was confusing to watch at certain points. There were two comments which stated that the bedroom shot was too long which could be fixed by shortening the scene and creating jump cuts. The title sequence was received negatively as they were said to be too long and not suited to our genre. This could be fixed by shortening every individual title, and using a different font conveying a more horror feel. The titles could also be spread out as the scenes play instead of having all the titles before the scenes start. Two comments stated that they did not understand the argument scene; we may have to remove the scene. Our use of make up was received with two positive comments. Our light bulb shot with sound bridge was received very well. Our soundtrack to the opening scene was said to be good.    
In the future we should aim to have a better layout of our opening sequence and make sure that the scenes are understandable. This will ensure that our audience understands the story and will therefore feel more immersed  

Dark Nightmare First Draft

Monday 9 February 2015

Analysing Media AS pieces 2013/14


Some of this opening sequence's good aspects of practice are:
  •  Sound conveys the feelings of loneliness as small sounds such as the ticking noise and the water tap running are very loud. This gives an unusual tone to the opening sequence, as if the character is trapped.
  •  The mise-en-scene shows a very messy room; clothes are lying everywhere, a lamp is knocked over, and a bottle of alcohol is lying on the floor. The amount of alcohol could indicate that the character is in depression.
  • The use of different types of shots had good variation. They used many different types, including:  close-ups, wide shot, focus pulls, pans, tilt. Many of these shots, especially focus pulls, were used to draw the attention of the audience to certain objects such as photographs and alcohol.  

Some of this opening sequence's good aspects of practice are:
  •  The mise-en-scene was very good as costumes reflected the genre of the opening sequence. Some of the props - chemistry equipment - also suggested that the sequence is a science-based film.
  • The titles were created in a very interesting way, as element names were used to replace some letter in people's names in the opening credits. This suggests from the start, that the opening sequence will be related to chemistry and science.
  •  The use of lighting, particularly during the beginning scenes of the opening sequence is low-key, and makes the audience more empathetic towards characters because they are in the same type of feeling - lost, confusion.

Friday 6 February 2015

Extension Activity - Title Sequences

This extension activity allows me to understood in more detail the way opening sequences are made and the relationship between workers. It also allows me to comprehend how designers get inspired which could help me come up with imaginative ideas for my own opening sequence.